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Wydawnictwo White Wolf udostępniło na swojej stronie kolejny, trzeci już, fragment nadchodzącego dodatku do systemu Vampire: The Requiem. Mowa o "Ventrue: Lords Over the Damned", o którym więcej informacji znajdziecie w rozszerzeniu.

Za White Wolfe:

Know your Betters!

The Ventrue - ancient kings and cutting-edge moguls - have a simple reputation: They win. They always win. They are known as Lords, and across all the World of Darkness, wherever you find vampires, you’ll find Ventrue behind them, pulling the strings.

Ventrue: Lords over the Damned includes:

- Learn the true, secret history of the Ventrue - the clan that always wins.

- Be there for the return of the Malkavians: Vampires driven insane by a supernatural plague.

- See what the Ventrue look like first-hand, from accounts written by Kindred from across the globe. This is a rich, vivid, and frightening tour through the World of Darkness for players and readers alike.

- New Merits, bloodlines, Discipline powers, and clan secrets that every Vampire: The Requiem player will want to have.

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